Pesalia | Data-Control PC

Pesalia | Data-Control PC

Stand E249

We are a leading company, specialized in the design, fabrication and commercialization of electronic equipment for industrial weighing, as well as computer software for its supervision and control under WINDOWS and Android. Our technical department is constantly improving and enlarging our product range. Our products are specifically dedicated to the market of automatic and dynamic weighing (dosing, filling, bulk-weighing, check-weighers, belt-weighers, etc).


Bagging machines

Bagging scales

Calibration equipment


Dose equipment

Dosing and weighing system

Dosing Systems

Filling equipment

Flowmeters-Mass flow meters

Gravimetric Dosing

Gravimetric dosing system

Gravimetric  Dose

Labratory equipment

Level indicators

Liquid Dose

Load Cells

Measuring equipment

Sack filling machines

Silo level and volume measurement

Silo weighing

Silos Components

Silos of weighing


Volumetric Dosing

Volumetric  Dose

Weigh (controllers) indicators

Weighing belt

Weighing electronics

Weighing equipment (controllers)

Weighing sensors

Data-Control – Spain

Pesalia | Data-Control – Spain
